Piranha Photography - London Corporate Photographer


Office photography taken in London for cororate client

How do you get the most value from your corporate photoshoot?

How do you get the most value from your corporate photoshoot? Now the UK economy has tipped over into recession expectations are that it will be neither long nor deep. But even if the UK quickly moves back into positive territory, both the Bank of England and the Office of Budget Responsibility are forecasting GDP...
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Office photographer - picture of employee in London

Office and Property Photography for Global Real Estate Firm

Office and property photography for global real estate firm Here are a selection of images taken over a number of days and at different locations for a global real estate investment firm in London. New global head office photography The new global head office, required images of the CEO walking and inspecting the floors of...
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Working office photography taken in London for new website

Financial Services Company – New Website Photography

Financial Services Company – New Website Photography This global financial services client required website photography to be taken in their London offices. There were a mix of staff images, including portraits taken over a number of days of photography. The emphasis of the photo shoots was to capture working office photography to show the day...
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Photograph taken by Piranha of CEO in Financial TImes Newsapaper

Press Photograph in FT Newspaper of CEO

Press Photograph in FT Newspaper of CEO Here you can see the press photograph taken by Piranha this week of OVO’s CEO and then appearing in the FT newspaper. Company Photograph of Team Below are examples of another businesses press photography appearing on the BBC website and also in the Financial Times. Private Equity Company...
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Photograph of staff member taken outdoors for website.

Business Portrait Photography for Private Equity Company – PR and Website

Business Portrait Photography for Private Equity Company Here you can see a few of the portrait photographs we have been taking for Piranha’s for new private equity client – BGF. The photography takes place outside, utilising a wide variety of London backdrops.  This outdoor photography gives a fresh and different look to the images than...
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Office photgraphy for annual report.

Annual Report Photography for Foxtons in London

Annual Report Photography for Foxtons in London Annual Report Photography for Foxtons Estate agents of directors and also offices. There were a number of days of photography in London, the photographic coverage was of the offices both inside and out. The images showed working shots as well as buildings frontages and inside space. Board members...
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Corporate portrait taken after professional makeup had been applied

Professional make up is the best preparation for a corporate photoshoot

Ten minutes in make up is the best preparation for a corporate photoshoot For over 25 years, we’ve been working as professional corporate photographers. Our bread and butter assignment is the corporate portrait, with clients requiring, roughly every couple of years so, a new set of images of their board directors, senior executives and other...
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Video and Headshot Photography for Website Team Pages 2

Video and Headshot Photography for Website Team Pages

 Video and headshot photography to add personality to your Team pages As part of a recent project for Stanley Capital, we were asked to film short video portraits to complement the employee headshots that we were also capturing on the day. These 2-3 second videos add interactivity to the company’s team page, and some personality...
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Photograph of Barroness Hallett for Covid-19 Inquiry

UK Covid-19 Inquiry Press Photography

  UK Covid-19 Inquiry Press Photography As the long awaited UK Covid-19 Inquiry gets underway, it does, quite rightly, get much publicity across all media, nationally and internationally. We were approached to take a series of portraits of Baroness Hallett, this press photography was for use in all PR and media and the Covid-19 Inquiry...
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