Board Photography for London Bank taken over a Number of Years
These photographs of board members were taken for Close Brothers Bank. The images will appeared in their annual report and on the newly designed website.
Further Annual Report Photography in London for Bank
These photographs were taken for Close Brothers Group’s 2012 Annual Report where all the photography was by Piranha.
The company required a range of photographs from Directors photography for the report through to working office photographs, to be used throughout the book. The photographs were taken by Piranha over a number of days.
The below photography was taken of Close Brothers Board members for their new annual report.
Board photography for Annual Review
Close Brothers required a fresh look this year for their Annual Report board photography. The brief was to shoot their Directors with strong composition and available light i.e. no flash. This was to minimise the depth of field and isolate the subject from the background and other Directors, who would otherwise appear in the photograph. This made for colourful and animated Board photographs to be included in their annual review.