Well, it’s that time of year once again. Restaurants serving heart shaped food, served with pink champagne and adorned by a single rose on the table. Hmmm, perhaps that’s not to everyone’s taste.
This article, however, concentrates on Valentine couples from the pre-digital era, and the importance of the photographic print.
The happy couple above – were snapped in early 1942 on 35mm film and sadly, the negatives lost long ago. Fortunately they had prints made so after 70 years the image is still with us.
As times change, technologies develop and older image types, once popular, disappear.
So beware, if you want to print your photos, don’t put your CD of images in a drawer with the intention of printing them ‘one day’ when the kids have grown up and left home. Print them now.
If you have a great shot of your parents, again, print them now, just in case you can’t find the CD, or you change computers or wherever else you’ve stored your most important pictures. Remember, writable CDs officially only last 5 years before the substrate deteriorates, and many of today’s laptops and PCs are being made without CD drives.
Also, don’t trust that Facebook, or Flickr, Instagram will be around forever to store your pictures. Perhaps they’ll wither on the vine like many other popular social media sites.
Prints, however, go on forever. So seek out your favourite family photographs, and any pictures you take today, and have them printed and framed for memories sure to last.
We hope everyone has a fun Valentine’s Day with great photos as memories.